Biondo Homes recap: hot summer sales with the coolest clients
Can you believe fall is officially here and the holidays are right around the corner? Business has been so hot (literally and...

Behind the scenes of List it Live San Diego
When homeowners partner with me to list and sell their properties, a newer part of my real estate marketing package includes the opportunity

What to expect during your San Diego home inspection
San Diego real estate home inspections can be nerve-wracking for both the buying and selling sides, but here's the breakdown of what to

I want to buy a home in San Diego, where do I start?
A good REALTOR will guide you through the process and the best way to go about the fundamental steps.

Truth breakdown on discount real estate brokers – are they beneficial to clients?
Potential upfront savings with discount real estate brokers can be tempting, but often clients will pay for their services in one way or ano

Top questions to ask listing agents at open houses
Whether you’re an interested neighbor, prospective buyer, or simply driving around on a weekend perusing potential neighborhoods,...